We are proud to announce the successful kickstarter campaign launch of the Project FONOTUNE, for which our client Future Past Films (Berlin) has teamed up with san cinema (Stuttgart), MAMOKO Entertainment (Munich); Energia Films (NY, USA) and such renowned artists like Guitar Wolf Seiji, Kazushi Watanabe, Yuho Yamashita and Electric Eel Shock.

Right during promising talks with sellers and distributors at the Cannes Film Festival 2014, the kickstarter campaing went viral and has within its first four days already pledged more than one third of its overall crowdfunding goal.
Fonotune is an electric fairytale set during a single strange day in an undefined future. It follows the street hooker Stereo, the lo-fi cowboy Analog and the wordless drifter Mono on their odyssey through a weird world, as they deliver a cassette tape to a mysterious person.

To the kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/energeia/fonotune

FONOTUNE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fonotune